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We’re here to make dealing with data easier and business better.

We built 11Ants to answer difficult questions.


Most retailers find that conventional systems and tools struggle when asked to interpret customer behavior and basket level data. Life gets very complicated when you rely on SQL queries and Excel pivot tables.


Seeing this we built a solution from the ground up to solve the special challenges of getting useful insights from customer behavioral data.


Insights you can act on.​ Insight that make sense of millions of transactions. Even billions.

At 11Ants we are constantly imagining how you can do more with all that juicy data generated by your loyalty program. And how to achieve “doing more” by doing less.

We support several thousand stores around the world and get very excited by the difference we make to our customers lives.​ And we don't charge millions of dollars per year – or lock you into our world.

And as for our name, we’re often asked where 11Ants came from. Curious? Give us a call and all will be revealed!

About us

See what 11Ants can do

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